Isabelle Bilde Pfander | internship | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Boi-Tien Thi Pham | Laboratory technician | DTU Health Tech | +45 35 88 62 11 |  |
Quynh Khoa Pham | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | +45 50 23 62 04 |  |
Thai Dinh Pham | Akademisk medarbejder | IT Service | |  |
Kim Phat Em Phan | Assistant | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 90 |  |
Thu Pham Anh Phan | PhD student | DTU Energy | |  |
Patrick Victor Phaneuf | Head of Reconstruction | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 59 68 54 |  |
Angel Luu Phanthanourak | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | |  |
John Piilgaard Phillipsen | Business Relationship Manager | IT Service | |  |
Jonas Bak Phillipson | Softwareudvikler | DeIC | |  |
Jonas Bak Phillipson | | IT Service | |  |
Christina Philp | Patent Administrator | AFRI | +45 24 92 16 05 |  |
Patama Pholprasit | Process Specialist | DTU Nanolab | +45 45 25 58 20 |  |
Thanthip Phuengphan | Laborantpraktikant | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Finn Christensen Physant | | FRIT | +45 46 77 40 41 |  |
Matilde Picchi | Studentermedhjælper | AFRI | |  |
Vittoria Piccini | PhD Student | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Claudia Piccinini | PhD student | DTU Electro | |  |
Michael Pichler | Guest Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Daniel Pichler | Project manager | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Eike Laurits Piehorsch | Student Assistant | DTU Physics | |  |
Marcin Piotr Piekarczyk | PhD Student | DTU Nanolab | |  |
Mikkel Sjølund Pieler | Softwareudvikler | AFRI | +45 93 51 19 13 |  |
Joan Piera | Development engineer | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 04 31 |  |
Rob Pierce | Senior Researcher | DTU Wind | |  |
Fabio Pierella | Associate Professor | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 07 93 |  |
Marina Pieroni | Researcher | DTU Construct | |  |
Michaël Pierrelée | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | |  |
Pawel Tomasz Pieta | PhD student | DTU Compute | |  |
Pascal Aldo Pieters | Bioinformatics Software Engineer | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 59 68 44 |  |
Daniela C. A. Pigosso | Professor | DTU Construct | +45 28 55 49 42 |  |
Anders Lindblad Pihl | Recruitment & Onboarding Specialist | ADM3 | +45 93 51 04 63 |  |
Joakim Edsen Pihl | Hjælpelærer | DTU Adgangskursus | |  |
Sivert Møklegård Pihl | Hjælpelærer | DTU Sustain | |  |
Kirsten Pilegaard | Senior adviser | DTU National Food Institute | +45 35 88 75 65 |  |
Kim Pilegaard | Professor Emeritus | DTU Sustain | +45 40 25 68 39 |  |
Ninette Pilegaard | Deputy Head of Division, Head of Section | DTU Management | +45 45 25 65 54 |  |
Lars Pilegård | Serviceassistent | ADM5 | +45 51 15 73 90 |  |
Bo Pilgaard | Guest Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Manuel Pinelo | Professor | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 45 25 29 50 |  |
Marta Pinho | Hjælpelærer | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Pierre Pinson | Adjunct Professor | DTU Management | |  |
Zoltan Mark Pinter | Postdoc | DTU Wind | |  |
Maria Rodrigues Pinto | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Sergi Pujol Pinto | Research Assistant | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Dot Belin Pio | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Physics | |  |
Adele Pioppi | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Francesco Piovesan | PhD Student | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 04 30 |  |
Celia Jiménez Piqueras | Postdoc | DTU Management | |  |
Sara Monteiro Pires | Senior Researcher | DTU National Food Institute | +45 40 21 34 89 |  |
Laura-Maximilia Pirker | Bachelor | DTU Space | |  |
Lise-Lotte Olsen Pirovano | Senior Executive Officer | AFRI | +45 93 51 11 05 |  |
Georg Raimund Pirrung | Senior Researcher | DTU Wind | +45 21 51 82 28 |  |
Lars Peter Pirtzel | Research technician | DTU Physics | +45 46 77 49 33 |  |
Adrian Lopez Pirvu | Hjælpelærer | DTU Engineering Technology | |  |
Victor Mathias Pisinger | PhD Student | DTU Construct | |  |
David Pisinger | Professor | DTU Management | +45 45 25 45 55 |  |
Stine Moon Joo Pitney | Secretary | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Nakul Ghanshyambhai Pitolwala | Development Engineer | DTU Wind | +45 91 37 00 51 |  |
Enrico Pizzi | Industrial PhD | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 14 14 |  |
Marco Pizzolato | Associate Professor | DTU Compute | |  |
Leif Pjetursson | Ekstern underviser på efteruddannelse | DTU Engineering Technology | |  |
Davide Placido | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Laura Garcia Plaza | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Peter Plesner | Electrochaea ApS /DTU Link | DTU Skylab | |  |
Chanette Locki Plesner | Projektleder | IT Service | +45 45 25 69 23 |  |
Susanne Pless | Laboratory Technician | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Christiana Pliakou | Research Assistant | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Ilias Pliotas | Student Assistant | ADM4 | |  |
Marianne Ploug | Chefkonsulent | AFRI | +45 93 51 14 27 |  |
Rasmus Overgaard Ploug | Nordic Firefly /DTU Link | DTU Skylab | |  |
Susanne Plougheld | Head of administration | DTU Compute | +45 21 79 86 54 |  |
Henrik Munk Plum | Datatekniker Elev | IT Service | |  |
Søren Bretteville Plum | Startup Searine /DTU Link | DTU Skylab | +45 28 35 19 70 |  |
Yashwanth Kutti Pochareddy | Research Assistant | DTU Energy | |  |
Agnieszka Podolska-Charlery | Senior Scientific Officer | DTU National Food Institute | +45 91 37 00 67 |  |
Malene Pogager | Senior Executive Officer | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 18 15 |  |
Ivan Pogrebnyakov | Researcher | DTU Biosustain | +45 24 65 30 23 |  |
Wioletta Anna Polakowska | Programme Manager | DTU Learn for Life | +45 31 96 48 83 |  |
Wioletta Anna Polakowska | | DTU Business | |  |
Karolina Ewa Polczynska | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Christoffer Pold | Studentermedhjælper | AFRI | |  |
Chrysillis Judy Magaard Polhaus | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Sebastian Nikitas Politis | Senior Researcher | DTU Aqua | +45 21 12 49 82 |  |
Rose-Maria Poll | Kommunikations- og Proces Excellence Konsulent | ADM5 | |  |
Marie Louise Pollmann-Larsen | Team Lead | DTU Skylab | +45 61 65 56 69 |  |
Stefan Pollok | Postdoc | DTU Energy | +45 91 37 00 65 |  |
Josef Polny | Emeritus Mechanical Engineer | DTU Space | |  |
Thierry Désiré Pomar | Postdoc | DTU Energy | +45 52 61 92 35 |  |
Alexander Sofus Pommer | Student Assistant | ADM4 | |  |
Camila Serra Pompei | Postdoc | DTU Aqua | |  |
Marc Nvarro Pons | | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Laura Lund Pontoppidan | Student Assistant | DTU Physics | |  |
Kumari Pooja | PhD Student | DTU Compute | |  |
Paul Pop | Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 37 32 |  |
Monica Mironela Popescu | Servicemedarbejder | DTU Physics | +45 24 92 16 85 |  |
Andrei Popkov | PhD student | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Birger Poppel | Ekstern lektor | DTU Sustain | |  |
Birger Poppel | Ekstern lektor | DTU Civil Engineering | |  |
Birger Poppel | Ekstern lektor | DTU Civil Engineering | |  |