Lesia Mitridati | Assistant Professor | DTU Wind | +45 31 96 49 79 |  |
Aikaterini Mitsakou | Development Engineer | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 01 56 |  |
Julian Marius Mittag | Research Assistant | DTU Wind | |  |
Kerstin Mitterer | PhD Student | DTU Physics | |  |
Lena Mittmann | PhD Student | DTU Nanolab | |  |
Leila Moazami | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Construct | |  |
Michael Moerenhout | Specialkonsulent | IT Service | +45 45 25 74 02 |  |
Per Hasselholm Mogensen | Senior Officer | DTU Aqua | +45 93 51 09 92 |  |
Ole Mogensen | System Administrator | IT Service | +45 93 51 16 19 |  |
Elo Overgaard Mogensen | PhD Student | DTU Energy | |  |
Amanda Obitz Mogensen | PhD Student | DTU Management | |  |
Mogens Bjerg Mogensen | Professor Emeritus | DTU Energy | +45 46 77 57 26 |  |
Sonia Mohamadnia | Postdoc | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Elsayed Tharwat Tolba Mohamed | Fermentation Specialist | DTU Biosustain | 004521518298 |  |
Hossein Mohammad-Beigi | Research Manager | DTU Bioengineering | +45 60 90 06 15 |  |
Behnam Mohammadi | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Mohammadamin Mohammadifar | Associate Professor, Head of Research Group | DTU National Food Institute | +45 53 33 16 50 |  |
Sankhya Mohanty | Associate Professor | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 48 88 |  |
Ali Mohebi | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Lasse Mohr | Research Assistant | DTU Compute | |  |
Ingrid Lykke Mohr | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | +45 41 10 11 21 |  |
Ioana-Malina Moise | Laboratory Technician | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Reza Mokhtari | PhD student | DTU Construct | |  |
Rasoul Mokhtari | Tenure Track Researcher | DTU Offshore | +45 81 90 15 26 |  |
Rajmund Mokso | Senior Researcher | DTU Physics | +45 93 51 02 15 |  |
Ulf Molich | eLearning Consultant | ADM4 | +45 93 51 14 88 |  |
Christine Molin | Project coordinator | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 46 60 |  |
Søren Molin | Professor | DTU Biosustain | +45 20 31 82 10 |  |
Jesper Molin | Associate Professor | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 35 88 53 37 |  |
Guillermo-Eduardo Sedó Molina | PhD student | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Gustavo Avelar Molina | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | +45 60 58 01 60 |  |
Md. Tusher Mollah | Postdoc | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 19 49 |  |
Anna Sagués Mollà | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | |  |
Peter Krisztian Molnar | Startup ECT2 /DTU Link | DTU Skylab | +45 26 27 67 50 |  |
Julius Molsen | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | |  |
Anton Molsen | Hjælpelærer | DTU Nanolab | |  |
Rasmus Thorsøe Molsted | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | |  |
Asbjørn Moltke | Postdoc | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 63 45 |  |
Christophe Molusson | Part-Time Lecturer | DTU Sustain | |  |
Jan Eiersted Molzen | Head of DTU Partnerships | AFRI | +45 45 25 71 27 |  |
Nicolai Momberg | Programleder | IT Service | |  |
Sarah Momm | Postdoc | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Srijan Mondal | PhD student | DTU Energy | |  |
Santanu Mondal | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Phillip Grønlykke Mondrup | Hjælpelærer | DTU Wind | |  |
Laia Meseguer Monfort | Computational biologist | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Jean-Victor Leif Joseph Bendixen-Fernex de Mongex | Hjælpelærer | DTU Adgangskursus | |  |
Diane-Pernille Josephine Rita Bendixen-Fernex de Mongex | PhD Student | DTU Nanolab | |  |
Maria Montanucci | Associate Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 47 |  |
Marta Reventós Montané | Fermentation Specialist | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Constanza De Matteu Monteiro | PhD Student | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Fabio Montello | PhD Student | DTU Electro | |  |
Raul Montenegro | Multimediemedarbejder | AFRI | +45 93 51 19 97 |  |
Pablo Torres Montero | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Alexander Montoya-Arroyo | Postdoc | DTU National Food Institute | +45 93 51 11 55 |  |
Farzad Moradikhah | Postdoc | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Merlin Alvarado Morales | Senior Researcher | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 45 25 29 12 |  |
Alan Ernesto Anaya Morales | PhD Student | DTU Physics | |  |
Giorgia Moranzoni | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Marina Corbella Morató | Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Claudia Pastor Morell | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Juan Felipe Cespedes Moreno | PhD Student | DTU Wind | |  |
Raquel Ramirez Moreno | Laboratory Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 22 25 44 73 |  |
Enzo Raffaele Moretti | Postdoc | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 04 15 |  |
Laura Santas Moreu | Academic employee | DTU Electro | |  |
Axel Morgenstjerne | Specialkonsulent | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Armando Antonio Morin-Martinez | Research Assistant | DTU Energy | +45 52 72 33 25 |  |
Toshio Morioka | Professor | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 37 96 |  |
Gafaru Moro | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Arantxa Carolina De La Hoz Morris | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Management | |  |
Malene Wedel Morrissette | Fuldmægtig | ADM4 | +45 93 51 03 75 |  |
Vivi Nymark Morsing | Administrative Coordinator | DTU Wind | +45 20 62 34 74 |  |
Laura Morsing | PhD Student | DTU Sustain | |  |
Sarah Nymark Morsing | Service Assistant | DTU Wind | |  |
Niels Henrik Mortensen | Head of Section, Professor | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 62 75 |  |
Henrik Mørch Mortensen | Chef for Analyse og Fortolkning | ADM5 | +45 21 36 30 01 |  |
Arne Mortensen | | IT Service | +45 40 46 01 35 |  |
Khemthong Mortensen | Rengøringsassistent | Housing | |  |
Jakob Holmgaard Mortensen | Økonomikonsulent | ADM5 | +45 93 51 13 18 |  |
Jan Normann Mortensen | Ingeniørassistent | DTU Space | +45 45 25 38 23 |  |
Klaus Mortensen | Indkøber | ADM5 | +45 93 51 19 11 |  |
Mikkel Clifforth Mortensen | Gartnerelev | CAS | +45 93 51 34 83 |  |
Trine Junge Mortensen | Lærling | DTU Physics | |  |
Jacob Hedegaard Mortensen | Industrial PhD Student | DTU Construct | |  |
Steinn Mortensen | AV projectmanager | IT Service | |  |
Jens Jørgen Mortensen | Computer Engineer | DTU Physics | +45 45 25 32 07 |  |
Rasmus Oxvang Mortensen | Forsøgstekniker | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 18 74 |  |
Niels Gylling Mortensen | Emeritus | DTU Wind | +45 46 77 50 27 |  |
Martin Steen Mortensen | Senior Researcher, Head of Research Group | DTU National Food Institute | +45 20 72 42 19 |  |
Kim Hammerich Mortensen | Teamleder Drift - Infrastrukturservice | IT Service | +45 35 88 51 60 |  |
Anders Ort Mortensen | SharePoint Administrator | IT Service | +45 93 51 17 00 |  |
Tommy Mortensen | IT-Medarbejder | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 35 83 72 03 |  |
Tommy Mortensen | IT-medarbejder | IT Service | +45 35 88 51 64 |  |
Christina Mortensen | Project Finance Coordinator | ADM5 | +45 93 51 89 02 |  |
Else Tranholm Mortensen | Academic Officer | DTU National Food Institute | +45 93 51 16 72 |  |
Uffe Hasbro Mortensen | Professor | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Ronni Rene Mortensen | Renovationsmedarbejder | CAS | +45 20 61 98 86 |  |
Frida Zeng Wei Mortensen | Student Assistant | DTU Sustain | +45 20 78 16 37 |  |
Vahid Mortezaeikia | Postdoc | DTU Offshore | +45 71 60 04 10 |  |
Jens Preben Morth | Professor | DTU Bioengineering | +45 93 51 14 54 |  |